30 Million Adults & Children In America
Have Substance Abuse Or Mental Issues Receive No Help.
TEARS specializes in treating adolescents ages 10 – 18 as well as adults ages 19 – 70. With years of experience since 1996, we’re confident that no problem is too great to overcome.
Through therapy, there is always a way to address the issues you face with coping strategies to help you right now and for a successful future. You might be initially hesitant to seek out help and support for personal matters. Take the first step towards getting to a better place and being a better you.
0% Judgment
100% Wellness
TEARS Understands. TEARS Does Not Judge.
Recovery Is About Progression, Not Perfection.
There Is Hope For A Better Tomorrow.
BRIDGES2 is a Basic Center Program that strives to meet the immediate needs of Runaway and homeless female youth ages 13-17 for up to 21 days, with the end goal of reunification if desired by the teen or transitioning to a permanent and stable living environment. Click below to learn more.

Recovery Resource Center
The RCORP-Implementation (RCORP-IMP) is a multi-year initiative by the Health Resources and Services Administration aimed at reducing the morbidity and mortality of opioid use disorder (OUD), including substance use disorder (SUD) in high risk rural communities. Click below to learn more.